Thursday, 9 June 2011

June 9, 2011 - Summer is for Creative Adventures

Right at the beginning of 2011, I had a creativity coaching session with Lisa Pijuan-Nomura. I promised her I would "make" for an hour a day for 90 days, and I did (I am very disciplined when somebody gives me a task). Then I had a spurt of creativity when I dreamt up my Wise Daughters sleep/lounge/everything wear, soon to go into production.

Last week I took Christine Pensa's silkscreening workshop here at the shop, and I was instantly smitten. The urge to silkscreen everything in my path has overtaken me. In the workshop, I made a stencil loosely based on the Wise Daughters flower. Now I have all kinds of design ideas.

Being a business woman with one eye on the bottom line, I thought about what I'd like to make that I think my customers would want to have. Full-sized fabric dinner napkins came to mind. Eco-conscious consumers want reusable, sustainable products, as do I. With a quick bit of googling, I found a local supplier of lovely organic cotton napkins, perfect for embellishing with colourful images. My order is in, and as soon as they arrive, I'll be happily whiling away the quieter summer shop hours playing with my brand new screen, squeegee and inks.

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